Loneliness is one of the largest factors in mental health issues, addiction and suicide. It is something that isn't selective to demographic, social standing or wealth. It can capture anyone who is available and willing to travel into the dark tunnel of feeling alone....
Are You Kind To Yourself?
It is frustrating when others aren't behaving the way we would like them to, isn't it? Perhaps it is a colleague, who seems to be consistently undermining your work. Or it’s your kids, who never listen to you. Maybe someone close to your heart is making decisions that...
Is This Being Vulnerable?
There is a lot online about vulnerability these days. In these communications or posts, I feel there is confusion around the meaning of vulnerability. Vulnerability is certainly not expressed by prefacing a post, “This is a vulnerability post”, or by posting pictures...
When I Stopped Trying To Change Everything, This Happened…
When I stopped wanting to change my current reality, my whole life changed. When I stopped thinking about the future, I became a happier, grateful person. When I stopped wanting my life to be different, and started experiencing life in the moment, my life changed. ...
I Got A Bit Messy
In the past, I have desperately wanted to hide my ‘messy’ self. In fact, I still want to hide her. I don't want to show how much I strive for stability by holding onto control. I am embarrassed when I fumble in social situations. When I have an outburst of anger about...
How To Thrive When You Feel Unsupported
Do you ever feel like you have big dreams or ideas, but you are overwhelmed by the lack of support from your inner (or even outer) circle? Sometimes finding the support we need in our own communities can be a daunting task. Maybe you have a mentor, someone who...
You Get What You Believe You Deserve
It took me a long time to get this: everything that was happening for me in my life was because it was what I believed was possible for me. It's a simple concept, but simple concepts aren't necessarily easy to apply - especially because I believed I didn't deserve...
The Difference Between Being Broken & Being Broken Open
It's kinda poetic, the idea of being broken. Being broken allows us to behave in certain ways - generally ways that keep us small. Being broken becomes a badge of honor that we proudly carry along with us. It feels almost righteous, like we have earned it. Broken can...
How Cheap Is Your Happiness?
How much do you value your happiness? Are you willing to give it away to anyone who challenges your ideas? Are you capable of giving away being in a beautiful state to an email you received that triggered a reaction in you? Are you willing to bargain with it when you...
A LOVE Affair Like This
I am moving into the biggest love affair of my life. It took me over 40 years to realize that this love was going to be the most important of my life and I had been neglecting it. I am in the midst of a love affair with myself. I realized I had be neglected the most...