BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

When I Stopped Trying To Change Everything, This Happened…

by | Oct 28, 2018 | Expanding self-awareness, Joy & Contentment, Overcoming self-doubt and fear

When I stopped wanting to change my current reality, my whole life changed.

When I stopped thinking about the future, I became a happier, grateful person. When I stopped wanting my life to be different, and started experiencing life in the moment, my life changed. 

It’s not that I stopped dreaming big or setting goals for the future. It is that I stopped thinking that because I wasn’t yet living those dreams, my life wasn’t fulfilling. It was when I started to be present in all aspects of my life that I became exponentially happier and fulfilled.

I decided that the life I was living today was worth being present in. I decided I wanted to enjoy my life in the same way I enjoy a beautifully prepared meal. I wanted to indulge in the lovely moments that graced the days I had been blowing past, giving little or no attention to. I took my time to taste, savor, and be present with myself and the people who made up my reality, and everything in my life changed. 

I continue to keep my dreams big. However, I now take time to journal and remind myself about ALL the things I have already created in my life, all the lessons I have learned over the last year(s), all the love that surrounds me but I had so easily missed. I take time to digest my accomplishments.

I stopped thinking that there was something wrong with my life. I stopped comparing my life to others’, and started to see all that was beautiful and amazing in my life. 

I choose to be present, and the side effect was that I experienced more pleasure, and was more present in conversations. I became content with what was, and I made the choice to trust my path and my actions – allowing me to feel significantly less stressed about the future.

I started to immerse myself in the fruitfulness of quiet moments, to be present in whatever I was feeling, be it fear, a desire to control, anger, bliss, joy, quiet, or reverence. This made me more sensitive to the inner experiences that come with being present. 

Can you let go of the desire to control your future, or the need to hold on to desired outcomes, in order to be more attentive to what this moment is offering? 

It’s part of the BIG act of ‘letting go’, and trusting in the bigger journey that is unfolding for you, if you allow for it.

with love