BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

Isn’t it great to know that you have a choice in how today, and this week, will be for you? Do you know that you are the creator of your life? You have choice in how your day goes.

I spent years thinking the outcome of my life was due to my circumstances or to the other people in it. It was awful: I’d wake up everyday not knowing that I had a choice.

I’d see others who were happy, successful and confident as having something I did not. I thought they must be gifted with something I didn’t have – that I must look to them – and that they must have the answers. I thought I should value them and their opinions of me over my own ideas and feelings of myself…since they had that something that I couldn’t find in myself.

I began to realize this was not the case.

At some blissful point, I realized the only thing those people had that I didn’t was the belief that they were worthy of what they had achieved.

That was the turning point for me.

I want you to know you are worthy of your life, worthy of feeling good and being happy, worthy of the dreams you have. Most importantly, you are worthy of feeling the light that exists within you.

You are the master of your own life. The moment you stop looking outside yourself for the answers is the moment you will begin to find the answers within. Stop finding ways to distract yourself from yourself. Whether it is social media, work, housework, exercise, kids, food, gossip, or obsessions: a distraction is a distraction.

Once you stop focusing on distractions, it can feel overwhelmingly quiet. I used to be so overwhelmed with quiet that I would always drive with the radio on; every time an unwanted thought would pop into my head, I would change the radio station, as if it would change the channel of my mind, as if it would bring me peace from myself!

It felt terrifying to get quiet, as though I might implode with the thoughts spinning in my mind.

But I didn’t implode. I learned to be quiet for moments at a time, and in these moments I found space. I was able to let go of the anxiety that the thoughts created, and find ease.

Here are 3 ways to help you find your Inner Master:

1) Sit quietly for 2-5 min (or even 2-3 breaths), and listen to what’s happening for you. Do this everyday, each day increasing the amount of time you get quiet and listen.

2) Pay attention to what feels good inside of you. Seriously, what feels good? Can you find where that space is located in your body? If so, hang out there for a few minutes (or breaths). If you can’t find it, just keep trying, each day, week, month.

3) What happens inside of you when you pay attention? Write it down.

I hope this helps get you excited to look inward. To understand that you are your Inner Master. That once you stop looking outside of yourself, you’ll begin to find ‘amazingness’ right inside you. That everything you need already exists within you. Trust me.

with love

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