Jun 12, 2023 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Featured Posts, Imagining a better world, Raising children
Apparently Gen Z has 2.7 seconds of attention span, way shorter than previous generations, a comparable is in 2004 attentions spans were 2.5 minutes. When my daughter was born, I began to lose my ability to focus. The lack of sleep made me unable to concentrate on... Jun 4, 2023 | Healing, Love & Relationships
When I was a teenager, maybe 14 years old, one of my sisters and I were having a heated argument – my solution was to throw a brush at her, which resulted in her tooth going through her lip. I think I tried to convince her not to tell my mom, but in truth I have no... May 28, 2023 | Love & Relationships, Raising children
You know what question drives me crazy? When someone asks my daughter if she has a crush or a boyfriend. Or when people comment, to her, on her body, as if she has a say in how her body looks. This is the kind of inappropriate question adults ask kids, specifically... May 15, 2023 | Contemplations, Joy & Contentment, Self-improvement & psychedelics
“Imagine a world where the next generation grows up to see images of bodies that fold and dimple. Skin has texture and bumps. So that none of this seems like a big deal to them. So that we don’t even have to explain why our bodies are good, even if they’re not... May 7, 2023 | Expanding self-awareness, Impact & Leadership, Love & Relationships
Some people are so likable that the moment you meet them, you can’t seem to get enough of them, while others take time to warm up to. Some people are shiny objects that are easy to watch, while others can make you feel like you’re not so sure. Although we’re taught to...