Jan 3, 2021 | Befriending sadness and grief, Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Healing, Meaningful business, Self-improvement & psychedelics
We tend to associate our own or others’ baggage as a bad thing. We often use it to describe other people, characteristically to describe why we don’t want to be close to them. Maybe this is because we associate a person with ‘baggage’ as someone who is unstable.... Dec 20, 2020 | Expanding self-awareness, Overcoming self-doubt and fear, Self-improvement & psychedelics
Trust. Big word. Big Meaning. Big emotion behind the word. I think trust is built. Within. It is a journey of learning to trust yourself. To trust yourself to make the right decisions for you. To trust that you can pick yourself up after heartache. To trust in your... Dec 13, 2020 | Contemplations, Featured Posts, Imagining a better world, Meaningful business
The theme of 2020 has been a deep and dark unearthing of our own resistance to change. We’ve experienced the ego’s desire to remain in control and fight against what’s happening. Our current world is based on disconnection and being emotionally unavailable. We don’t... Dec 6, 2020 | Expanding self-awareness, Meaningful business, Self-improvement & psychedelics
Do mindfulness practices make you better than someone else? The simple answer is no; the more complex answer is that with time and practice you will become a better version of yourself — but that doesn’t make you better than anyone. There have been, and I’m certain... Nov 29, 2020 | Messy & Sloppy
Projection is something we do naturally. We project our fears, judgment, love, infatuation, anger and even the sense that we lack – control onto others. It feels justified and righteous. It’s so easy to take the challenge we’re experiencing and toss it,...