Jul 15, 2022 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Love & Relationships
You know what makes life feel easy? Not having to deal with other people. If you’re an introvert, you understand: it’s easier to avoid conflict when you’re alone. As an introvert myself, I could easily get pulled into being on my own. Not having to negotiate or... Jul 4, 2022 | Overcoming self-doubt and fear, The wisdom of anger
Fear is a natural emotion. It’s a survival instinct that provokes a heightened emotional response designed to grab our attention. Any emotion that does that is healthy and normal. The thing with fear is that we often react instinctively instead of exploring the... Jun 27, 2022 | Love & Relationships, Overcoming self-doubt and fear, The wisdom of anger
I couldn’t figure out why I felt so numb. I couldn’t connect with any part of myself that felt good, happy or joyful. I was completely disconnected from feeling good, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. I had seen my doctor to figure out what was wrong – she... Jun 19, 2022 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Imagining a better world
When I was in my twenties, I had a girlfriend who was distraught about turning 25. She felt old and imagined she’d be in a much different place in her life than she was. I was confused; we were in the prime of life, young enough to play hard but old enough to make... Jun 12, 2022 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Impact & Leadership
I’m know that I have a different way of looking at the world, not everyone see’s things the way I do, and that’s a good thing. Having different perspectives and opinions is healthy. Culturally in Canada we are known for being agreeable, submissive, not wanting to rock...