We all get in our own way. We all have excuses for why we choose not to ask someone on a date, apply for that job, move, have kids, take that vacation, end a bad relationship, have a relationship, save money, write that book, make the most of weekends, make happiness a priority, have that difficult conversation and so on and so forth.
Excuses bog down our lives. They become our biggest limitations. They encourage us to stay small. They help us avoid taking risks; they keep us in our comfort zone. We are sometimes even guilty of placing our excuses on others so we don’t have to take ownership of them ourselves. Our excuses help define our lives in a way that limits our potentiality.
Our reasons for our excuses can become so ingrained in our way of interacting with the world – and in our minds – that we don’t even notice that we have allowed them to control our lives. I find the best way to identify my excuses is by watching them as they feed into my mind or out of my mouth. Once I catch an excuse, I can then start to follow the path of its origin. Why is it that I say that excuse? Or how does that excuse prevent me from doing x,y or z? Once I identify an excuse, I can then recognize it is just that: an excuse.
This awareness allows me to step outside of the circle of safety that the excuse provides. It doesn’t have to be my truth just because I have said or believed it in the past. I can experiment with my perceived boundaries and limitations, and I can expand my reach beyond what I have formerly seen as “safe.” It is an amazing thing to watch yourself transition with life.
What are your excuses? And more importantly, what are you willing to change in order to no longer make those excuses your truth?
with love
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Are Your Excuses Holding You Back?