Enough. You are enough. Seriously: who you are in this moment is enough.
You do not need to be any smarter, better, skinnier, stronger, healthier, funnier, more likable (or liked), connected, known, social or whatever the else is taking up space in your mind.
One of my mantras these days is simply, “Enough.” I repeat it to myself over and over again because I feel that I need to remind myself that I am enough as I am.
It is not coming from the perspective that enough is enough, but from a place in me that can be incredibly mean and wants to compare myself to others or the past or any other way I use comparison – or the idea that I am not enough — to make myself feel unhappy. So I just say, “Enough.” I have enough time. Enough success. Enough friends. Enough social invites. Enough love. Enough laughter. Enough smiles. Enough opportunities. Enough of everything.
As soon as I do that, I am more capable of enjoying the moment, and I let go of the indulgent side of me that wants to make me want for more. To indulge in the shitty feelings that I, well, indulge in.
I am enough. You are enough. We are enough.
It doesn’t mean we aren’t conscious. It means we are enough within our own lives. From the place of enough, it’s easier to access opportunities because we are not coming from it from a place of lack, which means that there is less time indulging in the unpleasant feelings and more time to just enjoy life.
You are enough.
with love
NoelleP.S If you find these messages beneficial, please help me share my message. Forward to a Friend, Follow my blog, or share on FB
You Are Enough