BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

“If you don’t spend the time making the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you don’t want.” Kevin Ngo

Do you believe that your life circumstances make you who you are? Have you surrendered your dreams – or stopped dreaming altogether – because you believe that what you have today is all you will ever have?

When you consider your dreams, do you fill your mind with excuses of why you are not capable of following them? Do you consistently recite your stories as firm truths that justify why you are where you are? Are you someone who endlessly wonders why others have achieved amazing things in their lives, yet you can’t?

Here is the thing: how can we be the Creators of Our Lives if we believe that what we have been given so far is all there can ever be?

Here is a little secret: your life story so far does not create your future unless you believe it does. Are you ready to create new experiences? Find the love of your life? Travel to a country you’ve always dreamed of? Explore a new career?

Have you made choices in your life because someone else has told you that you need to follow a certain path?

More importantly, do you know what you want? Do you even know who you are? Or what interests you? And if you can answer those questions, do you love yourself enough to move in the direction of your dreams, against whatever real or perceived resistance there may be?

It’s hard to love a self you don’t know or recognize. If the realization that this is your experience is scary, know that you’re not alone. I connect with people over and over again that tell me they have no idea what they want, or what moves or inspires them.

Know this, too: you are strong enough, brave enough, tough enough, kind enough and enough of everything else you need to make the life you want happen.  Right now.  This minute.

So, my friend, what choice are you going to make today that is different than all the choices you have made up to this point?

Miracles happen when we have hope, and hope comes from believing new experiences and dreams are possible.

The best way to get to Create the Life You Want is to do one thing differently than you did yesterday. Let yourself experience what you can’t predict or imagine by acting even just a little bit outside of your habituated comfort zone. In doing so, you choose the unknown and position yourself to see what magic lies on the other side.

with love, Noelle