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The one thing we’re all chasing

by | Sep 11, 2023 | Joy & Contentment, Love & Relationships

It’s a simple thing, sit quietly, be touched and moved by it, and your heart will open. That inspiration lives within each of us. The stillness is where we find love, we find joy, we find happiness. People who have complicated lives have a harder time connecting to this. Complicated lives means lot’s of moving around, still yourself and you will access this.

We came here, to feel something greater, to connect with a love so deep that takes our breath away and one that can’t be accessed by chasing external rewards. We won’t find this by being more attractive, thinner, stronger, more popular, or more successful (unfortunately).  

We will find it by being more loving and kinder to ourselves, by taking care of those we love.

It’s a feeling, it’s a deep connection to yourself. That’s a connection not a chasing. Feel from your heart. This rare precious human life is meant to awaken you, it’s meant to connect us all to something rich within.

This love never leaves, it’s always there, it’s just we forget to connect to it.

It’s a love that you feel inside you when you touch the stillness, when you feel it, you know you’re at one with it. Any sense of isolation or loneliness is eradicated. When you have moments of connection, you know that you’re connected and loved.

You came here to know this; we all want to know this. There isn’t anything you need to add to your life to feel this, it’s an expression within you, love asks us to rest in it; to listen and we will remember.

Pain and suffering is created by losing connection to the love within us. When we’re connected to it we get to a state of forgiveness, self-love, acceptance, or surrender. It’s losing that feeling of reverence which exists inside us which creates our suffering.

My practice has been to find this in myself, and what’s most astonishing is how many patterns I have that hold me back from connecting to this. This love doesn’t judge, it sits patiently waiting and we can’t waste any time in seeking it. So I keep coming back to it, in small doses, moments and reminders.

We ALL have the capacity to become more connected to love, to notice all the holding onto the walls that we’ve built around it.

I can’t emphasize how important it is to stay connected to your soul, connected to something greater than our egos, and something so much wiser than our own self-involvement.

Keep practices that help access this, stay connected to teachers and the community that brings this into your soul. Our ego’s our cunning, they will try to convince us to chase love, success, accolades, friends, social acceptance. We have to become wiser to that narrative that drives our lives. We must prioritize quiet, not isolation – create time to be quiet in order to devote our minds to the resource of love that exists within. 

love, Noelle