BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

I feel like you need a reminder of how great you are. You have built an incredible life. Even if you’re in the midst of great struggle right now, you are strong and capable of dealing with anything that comes your way. 

You’ve never been smarter then you are right now. All your life experience has gifted you with incredible skills. 

You have the capacity to dig deep, to lift yourself up when you feel like you are being buried in conflict. Your courage is powerful and with it you have the ability to ask for help, even if you have been scared to admit your need in the past. 

You are well liked; forget about how many friends you have on FB, how many ‘likes’ you have on your Instagram postings, or how many people have texted you today. You are more whole, more loved, more healed, more beautiful than you even realize.

You are able to see who brings you down, and you keep moving towards people who support and believe in you. You know the difference between being popular and choosing to surround yourself with big hearted people. 

You don’t need to hide out from people or social events. You have the capacity to put yourself in situations that scare you, and in them you feel your power to evolve. 

You are ready to do the self growth you need in order to move away from the limited self beliefs you have been holding close. You are ready to believe new stories about yourself. 

You have the skills you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You have the ability to commit to the physical and emotional work it will take to get to your goals. You no longer worry about what anyone else thinks of you or what society projects as the ideal image of your body. You care more about how you feel than what others think. 

You know yourself better then you ever have. You understand your triggers, you understand your self doubts and you continue to trust yourself to try new things. 

You are learning to stop using pain as a excuse to shut down, numb and close your heart. You are beginning to use your heartaches to remain open to the world, because you know you’re capable of handling anything that comes your way. 

Sometimes you just need to be reminded how great you are. 

Sometimes you just need to be reminded how loved you are. 

Sometimes you just need to be reminded how kind you are. 

You’re life is evolving into everything you have ever dreamed it could be. You are learning to dream bigger and trust more. You are ready to be open to the gifts life presents.  

You’re inner light is brighter than it has ever been. I want you to know I see it. I see your greatness. I see the hard work you have put in. I see your brilliance. The world needs you to keep going, to continue trusting, and to grow into the person you continue to become. 

Your greatness makes my heart swell.

With a humble heart,