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Do You Ever Wish for a Different Reality?

by | Jan 13, 2019 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Imagining a better world, Joy & Contentment

Do you ever find yourself wishing for a different reality? A different partner, a different career, a different car, a different house, a different life?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone complain about the life they’ve created, I would be a pretty wealthy women. I hear it all the time. I own a yoga studio, and people regularly confide their deepest, darkest miseries to me. Trust me, if you feel this way, you are far from alone.

I have had moments in my life when I have felt stuck in unhealthy relationships, work and daily life routines. There have been times when I was addicted to complaining about my life. Yet since I was able to make choices for myself, I have also been driven to forge forward and find ways to live life on my own terms. I’ve been drawn to create a life that I had never seen anyone else create. I just did. Deep down inside I understood my life was in my own hands. That doesn’t mean I haven’t fumbled along the way: I have been caught for long periods living a life I did not want.

If you feel this way it is time for you to stop wishing for things to be different, and either make changes or begin to embrace and nurture the life you’ve created. It truly is that simple. If you are unhappy it is time to make the changes you need to move in the direction you dream of. Either that or take hold of the life you have created, and for heaven’s sake, begin to be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for the people in your life and the things that bring you joy instead of fixating on what you perceive to be ‘bad’.

A spiritual practice is multi-layered. An important aspect of being spiritual is the moment you take control of your own reality, the moment you stop pushing against people/situations/challenges, stop blaming others for your own experiences, stop seeking outside yourself for enlightenment. Being spiritual is when you take hold of your own life, and create the life you want. The only person that can create your life is you. You are being spiritual when you begin to stop complaining and firmly take hold of the people/things/situations in your life that you are truly grateful for. We can easily denounce our present life, but if change is what you want, it has to start with you. You need to uncover the blessings in your life and begin holding them to the light instead of lamenting about what brings you down.

Energy flows where attention goes. Is energy flowing towards the things that bring you joy? If not, it is time to start recognizing where you focus your attention.

If you fantasize about different realities, it is truly the time to change your life by sorting out what makes your heart happy. This allows you to move with a practice of understanding, on a deeper level, what makes you happy. Moving with heart is not some esoteric way of being disconnected from reality, in fact it’s the exact opposite. It is learning to listen to what it is you want and moving towards it, because the calling is so deep within you. It is listening to the things you want that speak to you all day, or keep you up at night. When you move from heart what do constant excuses become? Perhaps excuses become an opportunity to decide consciously what you want. Blame turns into self reflection. When you move from heart you feel like you can take the reins in your life and direct the decisions you make with a sense of being in power instead of feeling out of control.

I have found ways out of very dark places; places that, at moments, I thought there was no way out of. I used all the energy I was devoting to situations that made me unhappy to push as hard as I could in the opposite direction towards the things I wanted. It wasn’t easy, but eventually I changed it. If I was able to, so are you.

Start to look at your life differently. Decide what it is you want, and begin to celebrate the amazing things in your life. With all your will keep going towards what you want. It will come. Have faith and trust. Allow yourself to dream big and remain accountable to the creation your life.

You’ve got this.
with love,