I have come to understand that betrayal is a two-way street. Being betrayed leads to feelings of being abandoned and alone. It is a deceptive experience, specifically as adults, because we think it is about the person who is betraying us. Betrayal as a child is much...
Do You Allow Others To Be Vulnerable?
In a recent a discussion with a friend, I articulated that I feel most people in my life do not allow me to be vulnerable. When I tuck into an uncomfortable personal experience, I am often met with resistance and judgment. It looks like judgment of my choices, the...
Have You Ever Felt Unseen?
This is an ongoing topic for me. When I ask if you have ever felt unseen, I don’t mean in the popularization of social media and the amount of ‘likes’ or postings we create to display our lives. I mean in the most intimate ways and with the people closest to us. Being...
Do You Speak Your Truth?
We teach our kids tell the truth. We ask them to be honest with us and we teach them that when they are not truthful, there are consequences. So why is it that as we grow older it can be hard to speak our truth? In learning to speak my truth I have had to unpack...
Transformation Doesn’t Happen Overnight
If you are on a spiritual path, or a path of self-evolution, thank you. Thank you for showing up in your life. Thank you for doing the work, even when it’s difficult. Thank you for being curious and for choosing to be an explorer of your inner mapping. It is the...
When Love Doesn’t Feel Good
Loving is traditionally thought of as an outward expression of feelings. It is rarely (from my perspective) thought of an inward action. The amount we can love someone else is truly dependant on the amount we are able to love ourselves. Sometimes our love for another...
Do You Ever Get To A Place Of Figuring It All Out?
If you are on a path of self growth, there will be a time – if you haven’t gotten there already – when you may believe you have reached the heights of your evolution. Where you feel like your work has been done. That eventually we may figure out this whole being human...
When I learned to set boundaries, I began to change my world. I was able to release some of the dramas that were littering my life. Since then, I have had interesting conversations around the word ‘boundaries’ and found that some folks do not understand what it means....
Allow Your Heart To Break
The fear that comes with having our heart broken is what holds us back from living a full life. Our fears can stop us from building connections and taking risks. They can make us cold, cynical and self-protective. Pain can be a weapon when we find ourselves making...
Can We Move From Uncomfortable To Comfortable Peacefully?
I believe we are all searching for bliss. We all want to more consistently feel happiness. Happiness being the desire to feel joy in the small things, to feel free from suffering and challenges, and to feel a lightness in our hearts on a more consistent basis. To me,...