I couldn’t figure out why I felt so numb. I couldn’t connect with any part of myself that felt good, happy or joyful. I was completely disconnected from feeling good, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. I had seen my doctor to figure out what was wrong – she...
How my failures have IMPROVED my life.
When you see the word failure, what response does it elicit in your body? How do you feel? Does it feel like the world is falling apart or do you have a positive response to the word? I believe learning to celebrate failure is what makes us resilient and capable of...
Turn Struggle Into Hope
“If you don’t spend the time making the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you don’t want.” Kevin Ngo Do you believe that your life circumstances make you who you are? Have you surrendered your dreams – or...
Imagine it! It’s been FOUR years!!
Four years ago I had a radical idea: I would start writing my musings and thoughts in a weekly column. I planned to share my process and curiosities, and maybe someone would find it useful or interesting. I had no formal writing training and was terrified of being...
Why is it so hard to ask for help?
This is territory that’s challenging for many of us, myself included: being able to ask for help and knowing when to ask. I’m amazed by people who are able to; most of us know someone who can freely ask for help and, therefore, gets a lot of external support. What’s...
What makes for a good apology?
This is a difficult topic for most because apologies have many facets – there’s apologizing to others, having someone else apologize to us and forgiving ourselves. A few weeks ago, when I tackled the topic of difficult conversations, it would have been easy to put...
Tired Of Seeking Approval From Others?
Our desire to be liked can be linked with not living for ourselves. It is a symptom of choosing to live based on the judgements of others instead of living our own authentic lives. I have learned that those who learn to make choices for themselves, and find the...
Is There An Easy Way To Have A Difficult Conversation?
For the last 10 years I’ve owned and run a business and for the decade prior to that I had been in management and leadership roles. Fundamentally, communication is the most important tool and skill I have and one which I continue to grow. I make it a standard to talk...
Brain Health – One Thing That Can Improve Your Mind
When I first moved to my mountain town, I found that the winters were difficult. The darkness felt heavy but the snow-covered mountains brought me an enormous amount of enjoyment. It was a paradox for me, feeling both good and bad. During those days I learned to dig...
Why Is It So Hard To Trust?
Trust. Big word. Big Meaning. Big emotion behind the word. I think trust is built. Within. It is a journey of learning to trust yourself. To trust yourself to make the right decisions for you. To trust that you can pick yourself up after heartache. To trust in your...