A healthy nervous system is something we don’t talk or learn about. Much of what we understand about being healthy revolves around fitness and emotional health. It is easy to understand why fitness is important and we have unlimited options online and in our...
Is there a ‘hack’ to personal growth?
Have you ever had this kind of experience? You’re moving through something big and profound, and someone starts to break down the lessons or meaning of these events, or starts taking on the role of spiritual guide without being recruited. Have you ever felt bamboozled...
Feeling depleted and inadequate? This could be the cause.
I’ve gotten into the habit of not sitting still. I have a meditation practice that I sometimes neglect, and when I do I’m off in all ways. When I’m careless with it, my body is less peaceful and I’m easily triggered. My Inability to sit still has to do with a steady...
Are you orphaning parts of yourself?
I get defensive when someone tells me I’m controlling, in part because this is an area of deep work for me. When I hear it, I fall into having disgusted feelings about myself. Mainly that I’m a bad human and no one is going to want to be around someone who's...
What happens to unattended agitation in our body?
One day I realized I was constantly feeling agitated and disappointed. Maybe I should say that I had woken up to my own pattern, I realized this isn’t who I wanted to be. I had become comfortably pessimistic, seeing the world through a tainted lens, losing faith in...
The most revolutionary quote I’ve heard in a long time.
Someone I cared for deeply told me that when I used the word boundaries, they found it offensive. I remember how I tried to convince them that it was a healthy word and helped people establish strong relationships with themselves and others. Although for many reasons...
Why does the word accountability feel heavy?
You know that moment when someone’s disappointed you — your heart drops, and the disbelief feels almost suffocating? Depending on our life experiences, some of us may feel this when someone cancels a coffee date. Others may feel it when they find out they’ve been...
Here’s why you’re a warrior
Being a warrior is not something anointed or bestowed upon you. The images of warriors we see in Hollywood films create an idea of a hero that’s unattainable for mere mortals. They’re represented as having obscene amounts of strength, heroic confidence, charisma and...
Is acceptance the path to peace?
I originally wrote this in April 2020, but as we enter into another tumultuous time, that's even more divisive than I could have ever imagined at the time of writing this, I feel it's an appropriate reminder to all of us - especially right now. In a time that is like...
The difference between running on empty or full
When I say a half-empty or half-full type of person, what do you believe you are? If we saw ourselves through these character types it might be oversimplifying but it could help us see ourselves more clearly. I don’t want to minimize the complexity of our lives and...