‘The version of yourself that you had to be in order to survive through something difficult, is not the version you can now be to move forward’. Healing is a complex process of time, acceptance, releasing, forgiveness (most often of ourselves), tending to your needs,...
Distractions – rebuilding attention span
Apparently Gen Z has 2.7 seconds of attention span, way shorter than previous generations, a comparable is in 2004 attentions spans were 2.5 minutes. When my daughter was born, I began to lose my ability to focus. The lack of sleep made me unable to concentrate on...
Does Dreaming of Your Future Have You Missing Today?
In 2006 I led a three-month expedition in the Yukon and Alaska. It was a truly epic trip (and I don’t use the word ‘epic’ freely). We backpacked for the first month in the mountains, and were later met with a float plane and switched gear for a month of...
Here’s why you’re a warrior
Being a warrior is not something anointed or bestowed upon you. The images of warriors we see in Hollywood films create an idea of a hero that’s unattainable for mere mortals. They’re represented as having obscene amounts of strength, heroic confidence, charisma and...
When is a good time to have a difficult conversation?
My legs were shaking. I could feel my anxiety rising and my breath tightening. I was about to sit down with a friend to have the conversation I’d wanted to have for a while, but everything in me wanted to run away. The thoughts kept coming: “Just keep the peace”,...
Instead of finding your purpose, try this.
There are many things that challenge our ideas of success, and I would imagine that most of us don’t perceive ourselves as successful. We place a grave amount of importance on financial success, to the point that we stretch ourselves to the tip of our economic...
Is There An Easy Way To Have A Difficult Conversation?
For the last 10 years I’ve owned and run a business and for the decade prior to that I had been in management and leadership roles. Fundamentally, communication is the most important tool and skill I have and one which I continue to grow. I make it a standard to talk...
Are We Learning Anything Good From This Year?
The theme of 2020 has been a deep and dark unearthing of our own resistance to change. We’ve experienced the ego’s desire to remain in control and fight against what’s happening. Our current world is based on disconnection and being emotionally unavailable. We don’t...
Are You Sure You Want This?
I had been sure I was doing exactly what I wanted to be doing in life, including the type of work and where I was living. During this period of rest and reset on the planet, so many people are checking in with what they want and making small to drastic changes. What...
Wanna Go On A Friend Date?
Most of us spend our lives seeking, yearning and praying to meet the ‘one’. Our soul partner; a partner for life. Fairly tales are built around that ideal. Love stories all end with finding the ‘one’. There are industries built on seeking love: dating apps, dating...