Can you give up this one thing to feel more peace?
“Don’t you find it odd, that when you’re a kid, everyone, all the world, encourages you to follow your dreams. But when you’re older, somehow they act offended if you even try”. Ethan Hawke I think we confuse ourselves when we try to fit in. Whether socially or with...
When life got real, it showed me how I wasn’t
I couldn’t figure out why I felt so numb. I couldn’t connect with any part of myself that felt good, happy or joyful. I was completely disconnected from feeling good, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. I had seen my doctor to figure out what was wrong – she...
Does this make you uncomfortable?
Early this spring, I took my daughter’s bike out of winter storage. She was so excited to be riding again. After school one day as she headed down a steep hill, she got the speed wobbles and fell face first into the payment. I got the call as she was on her way to the...
How my failures have IMPROVED my life.
When you see the word failure, what response does it elicit in your body? How do you feel? Does it feel like the world is falling apart or do you have a positive response to the word? I believe learning to celebrate failure is what makes us resilient and capable of...
Instead of finding your purpose, try this.
There are many things that challenge our ideas of success, and I would imagine that most of us don’t perceive ourselves as successful. We place a grave amount of importance on financial success, to the point that we stretch ourselves to the tip of our economic...
Ever feel less human for having human experiences?
You know when you have a conversation with a friend, the ones that leave you ruminating over what you didn’t say? I was chatting with a friend, and I told her, ‘I went away for 2 days and someone came into my house and closed the door to the room where my cat’s litter...
Do deep conversations feel awkward? Try this.
It was a few years ago and I was out for dinner with a dear friend. While I had Pho dripping down my chin – on occasion I lack class when eating in public – he looked at me and said that my steady eye contact was unnerving and intimidating, and then he laughed. I...
Turn Struggle Into Hope
“If you don’t spend the time making the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you don’t want.” Kevin Ngo Do you believe that your life circumstances make you who you are? Have you surrendered your dreams – or...
The 1 toxic behaviour that most of us do
Have you ever had an experience where you thought you knew how you felt about something or someone, but just a single piece of information changed your point of view? I have, and I continue to experience this regularly. When someone presents a new view on a topic, how...
Avoiding this feeling could be harmful
Have you ever woken up early in the morning with a looming sense of dread? Felt suffocated by life and anxiety that made you feel like the whole world was shaking? Even the things in your life that normally bring you joy couldn’t lift you out of that heaviness and...
If doing deep work is interesting to you, than we’d work well together. If not, you probably won’t like me very much.
Create the life you want
Your journey
Feel better, every day, with this daily guide to uplifting your life.
Are you ready to explore the inner workings of your life? Do you want to evolve? This book is created to level up your life and give you tools to create the life you want.