BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

No One Has Authority Over What’s Best For You

by | Dec 15, 2019 | Expanding self-awareness, Overcoming self-doubt and fear, Self-improvement & psychedelics

We often seek advice and support from those around us. It’s healthy to connect and share our stories with. We want to feel heard and listened to, it is important to share with others as we walk our path on earth.

Perhaps you lean into others for their wisdom and guidance. Feeling like you need support from your friends and family as you seek your truth. Maybe you feel so overwhelmed with life that having someone else guide you gives you a sense of being supported. We all want to feel connected to others, it allows us to know we are not alone in the world.

However, there is a difference between seeking guidance and support and having someone else tell you what you should be doing. Do you tend to give authority over your life to someone else?  It is also possible, that when we give jurisdiction of our choices to others, we feel supported. But where is our power in that? How do we walk our own truth when we allow others to govern our lives?

We all have people in our lives who are certain they know what is best for us. When we listen to them, they celebrate our decisions and might even be attached to the outcome. We all have people who have judged us, laughed at our choices and maybe even been downright frustrated with us for our decisions.

Or maybe you can see this trait in yourself. Feeling certain about how someone else should live their life, and when they are not following the path you believe is most appropriate you feel agitated. I used to treat others like I knew what was best for them. I would get involved in their drama’s and ensure I was available to them so they would have to lean on me to take right action. I would get so emotionally entwined and I would delve deep into their stresses and pain. Eventually I would become saturated with their emotions and blame them for their poor choices as to why I had become so disenchanted and exhausted with them.

I was attempting to fill my sense of self worth by taking authority over the actions of someone else’s life.

I have let go of that behaviour and come to humbly understand we all need to take authority over our own lives. I still make choices that are unpopular by others in my life, but when I make a choice, I know it is best for me, in my gut and heart. I may change my mind, but I need to move through my own process on my own time with my own lessons.

There is a huge difference between leaning into someone else’s wisdom and perspective to help you talk things out – to help you clear the cluttered feelings and thoughts in your mind versus giving your decision making over to someone else. It is a fine balance, of finding support yet making decisions that best serve you.

No one has free will over you, this is important to understand. Own your life, own your choices and do what is best for you. You will change and evolve – what you choose today may not be what you choose in two months or a year from now. Trust you are always making the most informed decisions for yourself, and as you gather more information you will make choices that align with that new intelligence.

Nobody has the right to tell you how you should live your life, what you should feel, how you should respond to a given situation. Seek advice if you want, but understand your life is unique to you. You have collected knowledge with your own experiences. You have a sophistication in your own mind that no one else knows or can understand. Learn to trust yourself, your instincts and your truth, even when it doesn’t make sense to you or anyone else in your life.
It takes courage to trust your truth. It takes courage to walk a path no one else around you is walking.

Godspeed on your path

psssst The $150 discount for the Mexico retreat Feb 22-29, 2020 ends Dec 31st, 2019!

Also my book is now available in stores, you can find it in Balu Yoga & Wellness AND on or Barnes & Noble

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