BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.

Do you ever feel that being positive seems like passive behavior? Do you feel that being positive can make you clueless to the obvious? Maybe positive people piss you off. Or perhaps being positive feels natural and immediate to you.

Admittedly, I love being optimistic. It is, however, a practice. I work diligently to see the bright side. I believe its part in creating inner peace, helping me lean towards the positive side of things.

There are times I fall off the wagon of a positive mindset and sink into despair. In these moments, I have to remind myself to not get self-critical about feeling negative: sometimes we just need to sit in the dark. It offers us important perspective, seeing and FEELING the difference between positive and negative thoughts.

A good observational practice is to ask yourself which you indulge in more.  If you can remember that where your attention goes, energy flows, then you can understand the importance of being discerning about where you allow your focus to rest.

I believe all of us (or almost all of us) can feel the vibration someone else is holding. It can feel positive or negative, or it can feel high or low.  Essentially, your gut is your information center, and it informs you. For example, you run into someone at the grocery store, have a little chat, and maybe you pick up on a dark cloud feeling from them.  Or a bright, light one.  

Here’s what I know for sure: positivity holds a higher vibration than negativity.  As cited by earthunchained, “When 2 frequencies come together, the lower one rises to meet the higher.”  Which to me means we should aim to be always seeking higher virabational thoughts and actions.

What kind of vibration are you offering out to the world? Are you a cup half empty or half full kind of person?

Regardless of where you are on the spectrum of positivity. How do you raise your vibration when you are struck by a negative cord?
Those times that feel challenging and really push you, the ones that challenge you on the deepest level. Those are the times we are offered the greatest opportunities to do our work. So how do you shift towards the positive?

I am not saying that we don’t notice the negative, or attempt to avoid it. Because if you do that there is disconnection to that situation, meaning when we force ourselves into the positive we gloss over our true feelings. We disconnect from ourselves.

It’s possible to allow both to be present. At that point, when you have allowed both to be present, then you have the option to choose which path you want to follow.

You can choose to spend more time looking for positive solutions instead of getting fixed on negative outcomes.  Even if the outcome of the situation could be a total perceived catastrophe. You can look at the end game and know that a crappy outcome is possible. Then you can choose with a big picture view to be positive because your not blind to the situation, you are making an informed choice.   The choice to be positive even when the situation isn’t a positive one.

It’s when we downplay a situation (or gloss over it) that if things don’t work out the way we had hoped, we get taken out at the ankles (emotionally speaking).

Through experience, you teach yourself how to step away from indulging in the negative and become more observant of how feeling positive can lift you up and help you be kinder and more generous not only to yourself but to all those involved.

with love