I get it, we’ve all been living in massive discomfort for 20 months. It might seem audacious to think it’s worth it, but I believe discomfort is the magic that can bring ease, joy, beautiful interactions and opportunities to our lives. Let me explain how. Not...
Honouring our messy parts
My messiness drives me crazy, and I'm pretty sure it drives the people around me a bit nuts. Admitting this is hard because my messy feels like it’s all that I am at times, and I get caught in feeling lonely and unlovable. These are ingrained behaviours that have...
When is a good time to have a difficult conversation?
My legs were shaking. I could feel my anxiety rising and my breath tightening. I was about to sit down with a friend to have the conversation I’d wanted to have for a while, but everything in me wanted to run away. The thoughts kept coming: “Just keep the peace”,...
Is acceptance the path to peace?
I originally wrote this in April 2020, but as we enter into another tumultuous time, that's even more divisive than I could have ever imagined at the time of writing this, I feel it's an appropriate reminder to all of us - especially right now. In a time that is like...
Can we repair frienships?
Do you recognize these memes? Don't surround yourself with people who don't see your worth. Standing alone is better than being around people that don't value you. Don’t waste your time with people who deserve your silence. Surround...
The difference between running on empty or full
When I say a half-empty or half-full type of person, what do you believe you are? If we saw ourselves through these character types it might be oversimplifying but it could help us see ourselves more clearly. I don’t want to minimize the complexity of our lives and...
When life got real, it showed me how I wasn’t
I couldn’t figure out why I felt so numb. I couldn’t connect with any part of myself that felt good, happy or joyful. I was completely disconnected from feeling good, emotionally, spiritually and sexually. I had seen my doctor to figure out what was wrong – she...
Does this make you uncomfortable?
Early this spring, I took my daughter’s bike out of winter storage. She was so excited to be riding again. After school one day as she headed down a steep hill, she got the speed wobbles and fell face first into the payment. I got the call as she was on her way to the...
Ever feel less human for having human experiences?
You know when you have a conversation with a friend, the ones that leave you ruminating over what you didn’t say? I was chatting with a friend, and I told her, ‘I went away for 2 days and someone came into my house and closed the door to the room where my cat’s litter...
The 1 toxic behaviour that most of us do
Have you ever had an experience where you thought you knew how you felt about something or someone, but just a single piece of information changed your point of view? I have, and I continue to experience this regularly. When someone presents a new view on a topic, how...