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The Fear Of Being Seen

by | Jan 5, 2020 | Expanding self-awareness, Overcoming self-doubt and fear

I have big fears. They revolve around being judged and failing, but I haven’t let them stop me from pushing myself to do some pretty incredible things in my life, things I am proud of. However, for a long time I held myself back in many ways: I was scared of putting myself out there, of failing, and of being thought a fool. Eventually, I got bored of holding myself back, and the desire to step into things I wanted to do pushed me out of my fear. I knew I needed to push myself because I was starting to feel smothered by my own insecurity.

We are all afraid of being judged.

When I started writing my Mindful Monday blog, I was scared as hell of what people would say. But I realized that my desire to remain small because of fear was getting really boring. I dug in and found the courage to just step into it. I have received lots of incredible and heartfelt feedback, but I have also received aggressive and unsupported responses. You know what? Those who don’t love what I do are actually no concern of mine. I let those comments float off my back because I am in love with what I am doing. It comes from a kind place inside me. I feel comforted and pushed to try things, to get uncomfortable, and to take steps. These steps change and evolve as I explore one dream at a time.

I realized that the idea of never following my dreams was more terrifying than living a life without risk. To come to the end, whether it be tomorrow or 40 years from now, if I had never tried to do the things I dreamed of, I would feel like I had failed this life. That isn’t how I want to experience this one precious life of mine.

I also realize that I will fail, but that failure isn’t a negative thing. It is only scary in our minds. In reality, failure is the biggest teacher. In the moment of failing, it can feel awful, but I have learned more from my failures than from my successes.

“Be about 10 times more magnanimous than you believe yourself capable of being. Your life will be 100 times better for it” ~ Cheryl Strayed

What are you holding yourself back from? What are you scared of being judged for? Let’s get real. It’s totally intimidating to put yourself out there and do something you have never done before. It can be really scary to follow a big dream or take a risk. But what is worse: to have never tried, or to have tried and failed? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

May we all find the courage to blow past our own limiting thoughts.