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Daily Practices That Changed My Life

by | Jul 2, 2018 | Contemplations, Expanding self-awareness, Joy & Contentment, Meaningful business

I assume because you are reading this you are someone who is interested in leading a conscious life. You are someone who is curious about yourself and how you interact in the world. I also imagine you are someone like me – that realizes sometimes you just need some support as you fumble through life.

I have done a lot of ‘self work’ over the last 2+ decades, and I remain a work in progress. I do not claim to have all the answers and in no way believe I have everything figured out. I recognize life is the work – this work is conscious – and the conscious inner work will remain part of my practice until I leave this body of mine.

I have had some very challenging times over the last few years, times that have made me crumble and question if I have what it takes. It’s within those times that I had to dive into my resources and use them to lift me up and remind myself that I do have ‘what it takes’ to find grace in the ungraceful times.

Help comes in many different forms, for me I have learned that a steady foundation of practices is one of the ways I receive help. Here are the steps and practices I use on a regular basis to keep me feeling sane when at times life feels a bit insane. These are all non-negotiable everyday practices for me. I may miss a day or 2, but I always come right back to them, because these are the tools I use to help me when I feel like I don’t have it in me to deal with what is.

Keep Good Company: I have learned that who I keep around me directly affects my sense of peace, anxiety and confidence. Since I want to feel supported and loved and be able to offer that same love & support to those around me –  I have become so much more selective with whom I share my space with. It hasn’t been an easy process, but it has been an incredibly healthy process.

Meditation: Without a doubt, this practice keeps me more sane and grounded. I get less tripped up in my own and other peoples dramas. Even if I sit for 20 min and 18 of those minutes I have a seemingly wild mind, I leave the meditation in a more calm and centered state.

Positive Self Talk: I pay attention to what I say to myself. If I am rambling on about how awful I am,  I catch myself and stop as soon as I notice. I turn the language to something I want to hear. For example (these are actual things I say to myself) I am capable of amazing things or I love you or I am at peace in this very moment, I am supported and loved, the universes is conspiring in my favor etc. This practice is with me everyday.

Smile & dance: I smile as much as I can to myself. When I get too serious I just smile. When I get too worked up I try to dance. Both these practices instantly change any negative state I may be in and remind me things are far sweeter then they appear.

Gratitude: Everyday I write down and think about what I am grateful for.

Exercise & food: I need to fill my body everyday with food (obviously) and exercise. Clearly I can’t get exercise everyday, but as many days a week – ideally 4-5 to keep a sane mind and healthy body. Food, I struggle with feeding myself enough (not because I can’t afford it, which is something that many people struggle with). What I mean is I can easily find reasons to skip a meal. SO it is a HUGE practice for me to stay nourished as it helps reduce anxiety, gives me energy to get through the day, and have mental clarity.

Lemon & Water: First thing in the morning, before I consume anything else. It’s changed my digestion, my immunity and my clarity.

Yoga: It’s been my saving grace. It is what helped me connect to my physical body. It is where I truly started to develop a loving relationship with myself. I no longer practice asana (postures) everyday, but I practice the other limbs of yoga everyday.

Positive Books & Podcasts: Everyday I read and or listen to a podcast that lights me up, that reminds me there is a bigger world out there and that motivates me to do my own work. Whether it’s career, relationships, love, financial, scientific, educational etc.

I hope this helps. We all will find our own practices and daily rituals that are non negotiable. Practices that help bring us peace and sanity. Practices that you rely on for inner balance. What are yours? Or what are some simple practices that you are drawn to? Then start experimenting and figure out what your non-negotiable’s are.

with love,

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