BOOK AVAILABLE NOW: The Art of Transformation. A Daily Approach to Uplifting Your Life.


Big word. Big Meaning. Big emotion behind the word.

I think trust is built. Within. It is a journey of learning to trust yourself. To trust yourself to make the right decisions for you. To trust that you can pick yourself up after heartache. To trust in your ability to be there for yourself, when you need it most, when you’re at your most vulnerable and really scared.

Trust is learning that no matter what happens you will be OK, because you have the skills to deal with anything that comes your way. Trusting yourself also means that when you are falling apart, you have the ability to ask for help in ANY way you need. It doesn’t mean you expect other people to be there for you all the time. It doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own. But when life is throwing a challenge at you that feels unmanageable, you know you can handle it or that you can ask for help.

Trust means that when you are being pushed to your limits, when you find yourself being challenged in a large way, your quiet inner voice can offer stability. It can guide you beyond the loud ego – the ego that hijacks your ability to make sound decisions. Trust is knowing that when you need it most, when you are most rocked, you will be able to reach deep within and find some clarity in thought – the deep inner knowing that is ready to guide you toward the path of least resistance.

Trust is built. If someone ever says, “Just trust me”, but you’ve not had the opportunity to build trust with them…you may be right not to trust them. Trust is a commodity that takes time to establish. Within our relationships we learn if someone is trustworthy. Do they follow through on their commitments? Do they live what they speak, or do they say one thing and do another? Are they kind to others? Can they show up for you when you most need it, or when you ask?

We lose trust in ourselves when we make choices that make us feel bad, or when we lack the self-discipline to navigate away from habitual poor choices. Making better choices will improve your relationship with yourself, and you will find that your self-worth amplifies. If you struggle with feeling worthy, make the shift to make choices that feel better – the kind of choices that can feel hard to make – but when you do you will find it changes how you feel.

Most of us think trust is about trusting someone else, but I have come to understand that trust is an inside journey. It is something we develop. It means we stop giving away our sense of well-being when someone breaks our trust. Because no matter what, even when we are hurting, we are capable of making choices for our highest good. Even when it’s hard to make good decisions, we are able to stand tall and be what we need.

The question to ask is, “Can I trust myself to show up in the ways I need”? If the answer is no, then it is time you evaluate this, and begin to strengthen your decision-making skills. You have the capacity to listen to your inner knowing/intuition, a voice which is much quieter, but so much wiser, than the ego self.

I trust your ability to make the decisions that best serve you. As I trust my ability to do the same.

with love
