“Sometimes when I say ‘I’m OK’, I want someone to look at me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say ‘I know you are not”’ Unknown Only within the last few years have I learned that I'm not alone when I'm in a dark emotional place. Most of my life, I thought I was the only...
He Feels…
His words are so gentle, yet you can feel the pain buried within them. There's an important and heart breaking movement that has been happening for centuries; racism has reached a pinnacle of social dialogue, sadness, and rapid fire information and social presence....
Flip The Switch on Negative Emotions
We all experience unwanted emotions; however, the negative emotions seem to feel heavier and tend to captivate us. If we’re having an emotion that brings us joy, bliss, ecstasy, ease or an overall sense of happiness, we generally don’t question it. In fact, we tend to...
Just The Idea Of This Makes My Skin Crawl
Have You Ever Struggled to Connect with Someone You Love? Honestly, if you never struggle connecting with people you must be a magician. Because I, and everyone I know, have frequently suffered through awkward connections with people who are close to me. The truth is,...
This is Embarrassing to Admit
This is so embarrassing to admit, but I am just not that important. As a child and an adolescent, I grew up with a single mother who was loving and believed in my two sisters and me. She did an amazing job of being a single mother; she worked hard and supported us...
Just Because Something Is Difficult Doesn’t Mean It Will Always Be
Mindful Monday with Noelle Bovon I hadn’t showered in days. I was lying alone in my bed, feeling like a mess. I was trying desperately to shift my life. The life I had created wasn’t what I wanted anymore. I felt beat down and unworthy. I was alone and I didn’t feel...
What Makes Someone Emotionally Available?
What makes someone emotionally available? Why would you want someone to be emotionally available? This depends on whether you want to be emotionally available. Often, we have high expectations of others to deliver us their truths, but we may not be creating the space...
No One Has Authority Over What’s Best For You
We often seek advice and support from those around us. It’s healthy to connect and share our stories with. We want to feel heard and listened to, it is important to share with others as we walk our path on earth. Perhaps you lean into others for their wisdom and...
Can You Be Gentle With Yourself?
Being gentle with yourself is an easy concept to understand but a challenging practice to put in place. For most of us, our minds can be an unfriendly territory. We have a tendency to be incredibly critical, judgmental and comparative. It is easy to fall into the...
How Do You Want to Feel?
Our brain is designed to secrete thoughts, to endlessly process and ruminate on the stories of our lives. However, we tend to give all our authority over to our brain. We believe the endless stream of thoughts that plow through our minds, seemingly without choice. But...