In 2005 I travelled to Nepal with a friend who was a Doctor of Acupuncture. She had had her own practice for almost two decades and had a rich body of knowledge. She wanted to travel to Katmandu to stay with a friend there, a Buddhist monk. She was going to practice...
Is Your Life Beautifully Full Or Desperately Busy?
I need to be honest: for a long time my life was desperately busy. The desperation set in after I started my business and had my daughter. I was desperate for so many things: sleep, support, more time, affection and understanding (at home and work) I was so...
I Was Mean
I had been so busy. I had a full schedule and too many things on my plate. I had very little support and was so overwhelmed I felt like I was spilling over. I had been so busy, I was even out of time for my meditation practice. I would just collapse into bed at night...
Are You Living A Whole Life?
You will never find fulfilment in your car, house, furniture or electronics. Your worth is not in your six-pack abs, your athletic ability, your body or your face. What represents your life on the outside will never bring you a sense of peace on the inside. It will...
Is Being Busy Really That Bad?
Busy! What is so bad about being busy? Can it ever be a good thing? Or is it always associated with manifesting stress and anxiety? The question really is, Has being busy become a culture for you? Or a status symbol? Meaning, does ‘busy’ make you feel worthy? That...
Your Capacity To Rise Against Challenge Is Amazing
One of my favorite poems is by Maya Angelou, called "Still I Rise.” It reminds me that nothing can break me. It reminds me that my dreams are worthy ones. It reminds me to hold true to who I am deep inside and to embrace change. It reminds me to trust myself more then...
Trust In The Things You Can’t Explain
From what I witness, humans have a strong need for certainty. Generally, we want to know what's coming, and we want to have control. In order to have control, we need to know that the way we have things mapped out in our minds will result in them coming to fruition....
Learn To LOVE Yourself To Heal Yourself
I believe that the deepest love we are meant to feel is for ourselves. I believe if we can cultivate a real, deep love for ourselves, we can develop a strength for change. We develop the capacity to forgive the unforgivable. We can change minds with love; we can...
What Being A Genuine Friend Means
What does friendship mean to you? What qualities come to mind when you think of a dear friend? How do your friends show up for you? How do you show up for your friends? Do your friendships feel supportive and expansive? Do they allow you to make mistakes, or do they...
Awaken The Courage Within
I love the word courage. I love everything that it provokes within me. I love the idea of it and how the word feels as it leaves my mouth. It's bold, beautiful, wildly endless with opportunity and is a virtue that changes your life. None of the other virtues are...