As it seems to happen in our world, when a word becomes more widely used, we adorn ourselves in the popularity of utilizing it without fully understanding its meaning, or we make its meaning fit our limited perspectives. We hold words as authority, and we don’t fully...
A Changing Earth : A Reflection on Consciousness and Evolution
As Eckhart Tolle wrote 20 years ago in his book A New Earth, life is changing. We are living in a time of shifting consciousness. This has always been the case—generation after generation, our understanding evolves. As we grow, we often look back and realize that many...
When Happiness Becomes a Mask for Arrogance
I’ve left many things because I wasn’t happy: relationships, friendships, houses, cities, and jobs. I recall in those experiences saying that I just wasn’t happy. I wasn’t always clear on why I was feeling down, but I would feel softer once I gained distance, and I...
The Illusion of Certainty: Why we Cling to Control
I’ve had a blissful day, I experienced so much productivity at work, I had meetings that felt fluid and connected and I taught a yoga class that was immensely nourishing for myself. I felt richly connected to my heart by the end of the day. But when I walked into my...
The Wisdom of Anger: A Teacher of the Soul
I no longer remember when I first met my anger, it’s become so much a part of who I am that its arrival alludes me. For so long I had a tumultuous relationship with her, she felt like shame that boiled in me, my failure as a woman for not always being perky or...
Exploring Arrogance in Modern Culture
I’ve taken a pause from writing lately, for three reasons: One, I’ve been busy and didn’t want the pressure, although pressure has been my driving force in the past — I love pressure. Two, I’m digesting and decomposing life and information as it’s moved through me...
The Cosmic Connection: Listening to the Universe’s Reminders
It’s early, my alarm isn’t set to sound for another hour, and yet I’m awake. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me as I realize that the brain fog I’ve been contending with will continue today, as it does when I’m tired. My emotions start...
Small Acts, Big Impact: Fostering Kindness in a Divisive World
Is anyone else noticing the shifts happening around us? Is anyone feeling that there’s something altering the entire ecosystem? The ethos of all the cultures on this planet are shifting, old models are no longer serving this new world and things are changing from...
Making your life Sacred
‘Sacred’ is a vastly different word than ‘special.’ Special implies unique and singular and treads carefully close to perfectionism. Sacred is the removal of the veil, a place that tends to heal and release our egoic mind. It allows us to access the richness of our...
How does narcissim affect our society?
There was a time when unhealthy relational dynamics were commonplace in my life. I spent years in a relationship with unhealthy dynamics, I danced in this struggle, trying to sort myself and the relationship out. Thinking that perhaps one day I would be able to figure...